Hochzeit Sachsen - Alles für eure Hochzeit auf Mein Traumtag.de
Last updated: 2013-05-28 15:30:46 (11 years, 8 months, 17 days ago)
It has an average of 2,760 pages indexed in major search engines like Google™. Google PageRank™ of the website is 3 of 10. Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de reputation rank is of 100. The web site is listed in DMOZ open directory project. Most recent update of this report was performed 11 years, 8 months, 17 days ago.
Overview Information about Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de | |
Title |
Description | Hochzeit Sachsen: Über 400 Hochzeitslocations in Sachsen, großer Hochzeits-Ratgeber und Hochzeits-Branchenbuch für ganz Sachsen: Dresden, Chemnitz, Leipzig und Umgebung. |
Keywords | heiraten, hochzeit, hochzeit sachsen, sachsen |
Domain Name | Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de |
Domain Registrar | DENIC eG |
Domain Nameservers |
ns1.sysprovide.de ( ns2.sysprovide.de ( ns3.sysprovide.de ( |
Google Analytics ID | UA-17707767 |
Google PageRank™ |
![]() |
Google Indexed | 2,760 pages |
Bing Indexed | 1,070 pages |
Dmoz Listing | Yes |
Server IPs | |
Server Provider | Hetzner Online AG |
Server Location | ![]() |
Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de is visited by around 0 unique visitors per day. Every visitor of this website viewing approximately 0 pages per day.
We found 0 backlinks to Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de from other web sites. The largest number of backward links are 0, the smallest number of links are 0, the average number of links are 0 refer to this web site.
Using information from users, and other reliable sources, Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de has the reputation 100 out of 100.
Main HTML elements that might affect on search engines ranking.
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Total Links: | 123 | Total Images: | 9 |
Language: | De | Text/Html Ratio: | 17.44% |
Doctype: | Yes | Microformats: | Not found |
Meta | Content |
description | Hochzeit Sachsen: Über 400 Hochzeitslocations in Sachsen, großer Hochzeits-Ratgeber und Hochzeits-Branchenbuch für ganz Sachsen: Dresden, Chemnitz, Leipzig und Umgebung. |
keywords | Heiraten, Hochzeit, Hochzeit Sachsen, Sachsen |
content-type | text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 |
google-site-verification | wUaYKLymLCACjroq9xC_bLm2zaauQtrx50NgQfV_vtE |
generator | myty 4.2.2 - content management system - tyclipso.net |
title | Hochzeit Sachsen - Alles für eure Hochzeit auf Mein Traumtag.de |
author | salesguide24 |
authoremail | salesguide24 |
language | de |
content-language | de |
verify-v1 | tL2yDsHmoojBMgJjieO3IsnkM54sKW/HiWj/FGuxF18= |
Detailed information about the server that hosts Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de
Server IPs: | |
Server Name: | Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) |
Server Provider: | Hetzner Online AG |
Server Location: |
in Germany ![]() |
Charset: | ISO-8859-1 |
Powered By: | PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny16 |
Server located:
in Germany
The IP address of Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de is
From the HTTP headers of Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de, you will know that HTTP status code is HTTP/1.1 200 OK, server name is Apache/2.2.16 (Debian).
HTTP/1.1 200 OK |
Date : Tue, 28 May 2013 20:42:31 GMT |
Server : Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) |
X-Powered-By : PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny16 |
Set-Cookie : PHPSESSID=afde0dc20c497d33342b59275cbfa442; path=/ |
Expires : Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT |
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Vary : Accept-Encoding |
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Content-Length : 8086 |
Content-Type : text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 |
The ratio of outbound links to inbound links influences the distribution of the weight of a website as a whole.
The chart shows how Meine-hochzeit-sachsen.de indexed in major search engines.
PageRank™ is a link analysis algorithm used by Google™.
Google™ assigned this website a Pagerank of 3. The maximum value is 0, the minimum value is 0, while the average value is 0.
The W3C Markup Validation Service is a validator by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which allows Internet users to check HTML and XHTML documents for well-formed markup.
Links (even if they have nofollow attributes) from major social networks is a "human" signal for search engines, which has some influence (non-determining influence) on the position of your website in search results.