Disneywallpaper.info is ranked #2,112,062 among the most popular web sites, the lower the rank indicator the more popular is the web site and the more visitors it has. Disneywallpaper.info is registered in 2009-10-17 owned by Registration Private, website’s age 15 years, 1 month, 23 days years. The number of unique users visiting this website every day is 245. Each individual visits 1.6 unique pages per day. Approximate time spent on a web site 00:34. It has an average of 237 pages indexed in major search engines like Google™. There are an average of 33 links pointing back to disneywallpaper.info from other websites. Disneywallpaper.info daily advertisement revenue is $5 USD. According to our analysis the approximate value of the website is $1,764 US Dollars. Most popular search engine request "disney wallpaper". Website’s IP address is which is hosted by Wiredtree, site server is located in Chicago IL in United States. Google PageRank™ of the website is 0 of 10. Disneywallpaper.info reputation rank is 18 of 100. The web site is not listed in DMOZ open directory project.
Overview Information about Disneywallpaper.info | |
Title | Disney Wallpapers and Disney Backgrounds | DisneyWallpaper.info |
Description | Tons of free and original Disney Wallpapers for your desktop, HTC, Nexus one, Android OS or iPhone devices that you can download for free from DisneyWallpaper.info to impress your friends and family. |
Keywords | disney wallpaper, disney wallpapers, fondos disney, disney backgrounds, fondos disney, wallpapers, htc backgrounds, disney android background, disney iphone background |
Alexa Rank | #2,112,062 |
Alexa Backlinks | 33 |
Estimated Daily Traffic | 245 visitors |
Estimated Daily Revenue | $4.90 USD |
Website Worth | $1,764.00 USD |
Domain Name | Disneywallpaper.info |
Domain Created | 2009-10-17 (15 years, 1 month, 23 days ago) |
Domain Expires | 2012-10-17 (in 12 years, 1 month, 23 days) |
Domain Registrar | Afilias Global Registry Services |
Domain Owner | Registration Private |
Domain Nameservers |
ns1.mgnn.net ( ns2.mgnn.net ( |
Google Analytics ID | UA-596721 |
Google Adsense ID | pub-0509775589771214 |
Google Indexed | 237 pages |
Yahoo Indexed | 2,090 pages |
Bing Indexed | 9 pages |
Server IPs | |
Server Provider | Wiredtree |
Server Location | United States, Chicago |
Disneywallpaper.info is visited by around 245 unique visitors per day. Every visitor of this website viewing approximately 1.6 pages per day.
We found 33 backlinks to Disneywallpaper.info from other web sites. The largest number of backward links are 0, the smallest number of links are 0, the average number of links are 0 refer to this web site.
Using information from users, and other reliable sources, Disneywallpaper.info has the reputation 74 out of 100.
Main HTML elements that might affect on search engines ranking.
<H1> Tags: | 0 | <H2> Tags: | 0 |
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IFrames: | 0 | Flash: | No |
Total Links: | 0 | Total Images: | 0 |
Language: | En_US | Text/Html Ratio: | - |
Doctype: | No | Microformats: | Not found |
Meta | Content |
description | Tons of free and original Disney Wallpapers for your desktop, HTC, Nexus one, Android OS or iPhone devices that you can download for free from DisneyWallpaper.info to impress your friends and family. |
keywords | disney wallpaper, disney wallpapers, fondos disney, disney backgrounds, fondos disney, wallpapers, htc backgrounds, disney android background, disney iphone background |
language | en_US |
content-language | en_US |
generator | WordPress 3.2.1 |
The top queries driving traffic to Disneywallpaper.info from search engines.
Query | Search Traffic |
disney wallpaper | 18.40% |
disney backgrounds | 8.62% |
tangled background | 4.61% |
disney princess background | 2.37% |
disney wall paper | 2.23% |
christmas wallpapers | 2.05% |
disneys hercules backgrounds | 1.88% |
disney wallpapers | 1.50% |
disney farme wallpapers | 1.28% |
disney jack wallpaper | 1.27% |
High impact keywords that attract search engine traffic.
Detailed information about the server that hosts Disneywallpaper.info
Server IPs: | |
Server Name: | Apache |
Server Provider: | Wiredtree |
Server Location: | Chicago IL in United States |
Charset: | UTF-8 |
Server located: Chicago IL in United States
The IP address of Disneywallpaper.info is
From the HTTP headers of Disneywallpaper.info, you will know that HTTP status code is HTTP/1.1 200 OK, server name is Apache.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK |
Date : Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:30:53 GMT |
Server : Apache |
Last-Modified : Sat, 24 Dec 2011 23:40:29 GMT |
Accept-Ranges : bytes |
Content-Length : 5254 |
Cache-Control : max-age=300, must-revalidate |
Expires : Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:35:53 GMT |
Vary : Accept-Encoding,Cookie |
Connection : close |
Content-Type : text/html; charset=UTF-8 |
Content-Encoding : gzip |
The ratio of outbound links to inbound links influences the distribution of the weight of a website as a whole.
The chart shows how Disneywallpaper.info indexed in major search engines.
PageRank™ is a link analysis algorithm used by Google™.
Google™ assigned this website a Pagerank of 0. The maximum value is 0, the minimum value is 0, while the average value is 0.
The W3C Markup Validation Service is a validator by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which allows Internet users to check HTML and XHTML documents for well-formed markup.
Links (even if they have nofollow attributes) from major social networks is a "human" signal for search engines, which has some influence (non-determining influence) on the position of your website in search results.